Tag Archives: Noise

Silence is silver

the silver medal

I’m not sure where my voice has gone but I’m hoping it comes back. I hope that writing today when there is chaos in the house will help my focus.

I HOPE for a lot of things
*like for the child at the table to stop burping (usually that’s funny)
*or for the Banagram game to quiet down to a tolerable level
*or for the snow to hurry up and start so at least I can SEE for myself why everyone is home while the roads are still dry

Lately my silence on paper has been deafening though so that is why I have stopped all the fiddling around with art supplies in order to focus on my voice – which is essentially my writing. Last time it only had one volume – out loud, really loud – or when on paper and blog it was strong and forthcoming and somewhat rewarding.

The phrase “silence is golden” came to mind this day when I pulled out the keyboard, but that sounds like a winning opportunity – like years ago when all my children were taking naps simultaneously.

Right now, silence, in reference to writing, seems 2nd place … like a silver medal, not a gold. There’s nothing wrong with silver in the Olympics, but to some, it’s just not gold.

Silence on my keyboard is like a silver medal and I need to bring that back into my world because …

Silver:  It’s just not as significant as the big win.

So today I will write and as I begin, the noise and chaos of the house will fade …

I guess I’m on a bit of a wayward streak around here and that’s ok, but the fact that I seem to be stuck there is a big deal. And it’s not all just about writing, it’s about life.

Lately I’m catching a breath of fresh air – or catching a break – only to forget where it came from.

Sometimes I forget that for a brief moment in time I felt free from pain or free from the chaos that my life has become.

Today I will write because

I love it

I need it

It replenishes me…

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Posted by on March 18, 2014 in Life, in general, Writing


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Icy Morning

icy morning sky

I wake to a bone-chilling cold in the house and out the window is a sky that is so grey that it just seems dull. I open the front door to let in the early morning light and for the cats to look out and ponder their hunting ability as the birds begin to arrive in the grass.

Slowly I wake as I sip the coffee that soothes my throat and clears my head. I’m still in the unbreakable cycle of being caffeine-deprived and lacking in prayer.  Out of my peripheral vision I catch a glimpse of some unusual colors emerging within the spindly, bare trees across the field.  The field grass and leftover soybean stalks stretch out across the road from my yard and lead up to the small rise of a hill and that is where I see the horizon of the Southern sky.

I  see the brownish grass and above that the horizontal slivers of blue, tan and pink.  The icy morning air and the beginnings of sunlight make a splendid magenta against the dark tree silhouettes.  It’s nothing short of spectacular and the vividness of it completely escapes my Nikon.  You just can’t capture it, you have to see it for yourself.  I’m reminded that if I don’t praise the LORD, the stones will cry out. (Luke 19:40)  Creation is praising God in full color.  This includes the cows in the field as they mill around munching grass – as cows do best – and those birds digging for worms near my porch.

Most mornings in my house are filled with noise…and it begins before six a.m. with an alarm clock. I promptly hit the snooze button and receive an automatic 9 minutes extra – of what I don’t know. But this alarm is not a praise to the Creator of the universe. My wide-open eyes – or slightly puffy and partially closed ones – are the beginnings of my praise. My mind and attitude are usually present for this version of morning praise as well. Hopefully they’re all working together, but at age 46, I don’t remember which comes first. Sometimes my mind is running wild before the alarm OR the opening of the eyes.

But if anything, I have observed this – I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) – but I’m at my best when I’m asleep!

So, my physical being may be a praise offering to the Creator, but the thoughts, attitudes, and even the coffee deprivation are not. I know this because I’m feeling frustrated with my lack of peace in my mornings since schedules started to change and I can no longer have a Bible open in front of me to go along with my coffee. It’s just too noisy – there are just too many people walking around, eating and making lunches at this hour.  Before I know it, I’ve had my breakfast and hit the shower.  Then I dig into the chores of the day.

So, what’s a body to do?

This is where sticky notes or index cards usually come in handy. I’m participating in a year-long scripture memorization team effort.  (  That’s one card that could be propped up on my nightstand table. How about something motivational too? Like one of my favorite go-to verses – 

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things

Whatever is “praiseworthy” sticks in my mind.

How about a little happy dance that I woke to a new day with new opportunities?

How about a little praise for being trusted to raise those kids that are going about their day … with all their noise?

How about a little praise for that gorgeous ground out there that will soon turn green and yield some beautiful colors?

How about a little praise for that roof over my head, the food in my cupboards, and an opportunity to serve a mighty God?

Then, I’ll praise him for that coffee, cause I love that he made that too!

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Posted by on February 11, 2013 in Life, in general


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